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The Future of Currenxie and the Global Account®


The launch of our new website is an exciting moment for us, but it is also only the first step in a series of upgrades and launches that will take us well into 2020, and lay the foundations for the next stage in our company’s evolution.

We developed our new branding to better communicate how our platforms and products have evolved, and to align our identity with who we are as a company today. Furthermore, it enabled us to develop a new visual style system that will be shared with the all-new UI of our next platform release.

Currenxie web and mobile app

A sneak peek of the new UI, set to the optional Dark Mode.

The next generation of the platform is not only a makeover; our technology team has been hard at work enhancing our systems and we will be gradually adding new features to the new Global Account after the initial release, whether it is around general usability, our Financing solutions, or the much-requested Cards feature, a prepaid Mastercard linked to users’ Global Account balances.

Exciting! When will it be available to me?

The new Global Account platform will go live in early 2020, followed closely by the launch of Cards, then the release of our new iOS and Android apps and the continued integration and feature enhancement of our online Financing solutions.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients who have been with us since the launch of the Global Account, who saw the potential and experienced the benefits, and we hope that we can reward your loyalty with an even better product in 2020 and beyond.



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